Oona Metz Oona Metz

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Making the Decision to Divorce

No matter what the circumstances are, ending a marriage is always painful. While it may ultimately be the healthiest decision, it is never easy or simple. If you are contemplating divorce, chances are your marriage is in trouble and you are feeling the fallout. You are likely feeling worried about yourself, your kids, your future, and your spouse. If you are the one initiating the divorce, you may feel tremendous guilt and shame about your decision.

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Oona Metz Oona Metz

Feeling Lovable Again After Divorce

If you have gone through a divorce recently, you may be worried that you will never find love again. Being in a painful marriage which ends in divorce can often leave women feeling unloved, or worse, unlovable. Here are some practical tips for how to feel lovable again.

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